My Name Is Fredrik Sørlien Olsen
I'm a Junior Front-End Developer
I'm 26 years old, born and raised in Norway, speaking both English and Norwegian fluently.
In mid October 2022 I finished my Front-End Development studies at Noroff School of technology and digital media
When it comes to my work ethics I always makes sure that the assignment/project is completed in time, aswell as always making the site looking and performing as good as possible.
I always make sure that my sites are accessible for those with different disabilities as I think that the web's for everybody, and we as front-end developers have a job to make it accessible for everybody.
In my studies and projects, I've gained knowledge in the following:
I'm currently learning these new coding languages.
This site is buildt using only HTML and CSS, as we were tasked in one of our first assignment. This is the first site we ever created in our study.
In this assignment I was tasked with creating a site for a Museum, using the supplied assets. This site only consists of HTML and CSS.
In this assignment our primary goal was designing a home decor site. This was also where we first learned to use background textures.
For this assignment we had to use Strapi, and create a login form where you could log in, edit or add new items to the site. As this site was created with strapi in mind, it could not get published, as Strapi is a local server. Therefore it can't be viewed.
This site is a blog created using WordPress, and consists of HTML, CSS and JS. This was one of our first times using WordPress. I don't have the rights for the domain used for the api call anymore, therefore the site can't be viewed
As my first assignment post studies I've made a website for Personalforeningen in Coop Øst in collaboration with Eivind Aleksander Simonsen.
I was asked to co-develop a marrige site with Magnus Kråbøl, the groom. He and his wife to be wanted a website where they could show who's comming, how the day's gonna be, what'll be served and info about the event.
I've taken upon myself to create at least 3 new systems for Coop. This will include both hardware and software. I'll be using Rasperry Pi. These projects are not commissioned by Coop. But as a worker there I've noticed the need for some systems to better the workflow.
In my spare time I've wanted to make a site where gamers can keep a catalog of their games. I'm creating this using React and Google Firebase as an API